Renewable services | Direct Energy Business

Realizing your future with clean energy

Transition from sustainably-minded to sustainably-achieving with smart, renewable energy solutions.

Here's how we make it easier to achieve your renewable energy goals

Analyze your sustainability goals and current energy strategy
Design a plan that includes your renewable energy options
Fully implement your customized renewable energy solution and provide ongoing support

Together we are designing reliable, clean energy solutions.

Renewable Choice

Carbon Offsets

Renewable Energy Credits

Grid Connect Power Purchase Agreement

Renewable Choice

This power comes directly from a renewable source of your choice. It allows you to support the development of new renewable projects in your region and add clean energy to the grid. Custom Sourced makes physical renewable energy supply simple and accessible as part of standard retail power purchase plans.


  • Source renewable power from a specific resource
  • Support new and existing renewable projects
  • Guaranteed fixed rate
  • Secure renewable energy for 5-10 years
Learn more

Renewable Choice

Carbon Offsets

Renewable Energy Credits

Grid Connect Power Purchase Agreement

Talk to one of our renewables experts

Learn more about the renewable services we offer and how they can meet your needs.

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We are building a cleaner, more resilient world through our bold path to net zero and helping our customers decarbonize.

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