Physical Block | Direct Energy Business

Find the right balance of security and opportunity.
Our Physical Power Blocks can make it happen.

Electricity market movement can create opportunities for advantageous pricing

It can also cause your energy budget to rise out of control. Direct Energy Business can help you control these wide price variations with our Physical Block product.

How does Physical Block work?

Physical Block allows your business to lock in a fixed-price rate on a fixed volume of electricity supply for your business, while still allowing you buy off of the dynamic electricity market when you go over that volume.

To protect you from market movement, you will contract for a specific volume of electricity appropriate for your business’s needs. If you stay within the block, your price is fixed at the low rate you signed at contract. If your company has to go over your volume, then the remaining MWhs are priced at the market rate and settled directly with your utility company.

Features and benefits:

  • Ensures that your price per MWh for your fixed block remains the same, even if market rates rise over the course of your contract term.
  • Ensures that if you go over your fixed amount due to unforeseen changes in your business, that you can still take advantage of possibly lower rates.

Recommended for customers with:

  • >5000MWH annual usage
  • Have unpredictable energy usage
  • Want the flexibility to lock in a portion of their load
  • Want to float the market in pursuit of advantageous pricing