Budget your energy with confidence.
Secure Price Plan lets you do it.
Capitalize on the best of both a fixed price and variable rate strategy with the Secure Price Plan from Direct Energy Business
You can lock in a portion or all your usage at a fixed price to satisfy your specific tolerance, while floating your unfixed load at a variable rate.
How does Secure Price Plan partial hedge work?
- Select a variable rate as your base product.
- You will be billed at the variable rate until you decide to make a fixed price purchase.
- Lock in a fixed price purchase.
- Decide when and if to make additional fixed price purchases.
- Monitor current position, set trigger prices and request indicative pricing with the assistance of your Account Executive.
Features and benefits:
- Choose the percentage of your energy supply that you want to lock in at a fixed price.
- Fix additional energy when pricing is advantageous.
- Choose the duration of your fixed price purchase(s).
- Take advantage of variable rates for the unhedged portion of your usage.
Recommended for customers with:
- Usage of more than 1000 MWH's a year.
- Desire to take advantage of fixed-price and market-index strategies.
- Seeking access to market insights and reporting.